AD Retargeting

Are you ready to instantly boost
your ad response by 400%?

With Warfield digital retargeting, the cutting edge advertising tool used by
the web's most sophisticated marketers, you can:

  • Dramatically improve advertising response rates
  • Bring back potential clients who've visited your site before
  • Maximize your ROI on your advertising spend

Warm up your cold leads

With traditional online display ads, most of the people who see your ads
are cold leads who are likely:

  • Unfamiliar with your brand
  • Tired of seeing ads, and worst of all,
  • NOT ready to buy!

How it works

First, a potential client visits your website (either organically, through an ad,
or another channel). They then learn about your firm, but they leave before
making a purchase. They are now a warm lead!

Warfield Digital Retargeting FOLLOWS your warm lead, showing them your
ads on websites they visit later. Display ads designed to keep your brand
will nuture your warm lead, eventually bringing them back for the sale.

Did you know?

The average click-through rate for retargeting ads is TEN TIMES HIGHER than for traditional display ads.

Why is retargeting so shockingly effective?

  • Your prospects want to see them

    Research reveals that internet users feel
    60% more positive about seeing
    retargeted ads than seeing traditional
    ads they haven't seen before.

  • You get repeat exposure

    Most sales aren't made on the first
    website visit. Retargeting helps you keep
    the sales cycle moving and gets your
    prospects ready to buy.

  • Your brand will cut
    through the noise

    Internet users are already desensitized from seeing 1,700+ display ads per month. Retargeting cuts through the clutter with a message they're already familiar with.

  • Perfect for:

    • Law Firms
    • Real Estate
    • Banking
    • Finance
  • Website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70 percent more likely to convert on your website. Warfield digital ad retargeting prepares your prospects to buy.

Ready to start maximizing your ad spend?

Our easy-to-use self-serve platform makes it simpler than ever to take advantage of the cutting-edge power of retargeting.

Simply choose your plan to get started



impressions per month

Cost: $900.00/Month

Best Value!



impressions per month

Cost: $1,500.00/Month



impressions per month

Cost: $1,800.00/Month